October 30, 2017

Our Partner Speaks at China Belt and Road Forum

Our partner, Dr. Fatma Salah, gives a speech
at the inauguration ceremony of the tree-day
Belt and Road Forum in Cairo.

The forum is co-organized by the Chinese
Chamber of Commerce, the China
Development Bank, Egyptian Chamber of
Commerce, and the Al-Ahram Foundation.

The forum was attended by a number of Egyptian and Chinese businessmen as well as
officials from both countries. Among guest speakers was Mrs. Mona Zobaa, chairman of
GAFI (Egyptian General Authority for Investment) and Mr. Han Bing, China Minister of
Commerce Commissioner, as well as representatives from China Development Bank and
other Egyptian Banks.

Dr. Fatma shared her insights on the new Investment Law, its guarantees and incentives.
the law comes as part of an ambitious economic reform program adopted by the Egyptian
government aiming at restoring confidence in the Egyptian economy and incentivizing
capital flows. The law includes a raft of incentives, from tax deductions on projects
established in underdeveloped areas and labor-intensive sectors to cost rebate systems. A
summary report about the new Investment Law is available here on our website

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