January 22, 2017

New Media and Press Law

On December 24, 2016, Law No. 92 of 2016 was issued for the Institutional Regulation of Press and Media.

The Law cancels the Radio and Television Union Law No. 13 of 1979 and chapter four of the Press Law No. 96 of 1996 (related to disciplinary procedures for journalists).

The Law is mainly concerned with the establishment of several regulatory bodies to regulate, supervise and control the media and press. It established the Supreme Council for the Administration of Media (SCAM), the National Authority for Press (NAP) and the National Authority for Media (NAM). These regulatory bodies are referred to under Articles (211), (212) and (213) of the Constitution, and are considered as independent bodies that shall not be subject to interference in relation to its work and affairs.

Supreme Council for the Administration of Media (SCAM) is mainly concerned with the regulation of audio, visual and digital media as well as printed and digital press. It has extensive authorities listed under Article (4) of the Law, among them, issuing licenses for all media, press and broadcasting related institutions, reviewing draft media and press legislation, suggesting and implementing professional ethics rules, receiving and verifying complaints against medial and press institutions.

SCAM shall have the authority under Article (26) to sue media and press institutions violating the provisions of the Law or the ethics of the profession, and to set the sanctions which shall apply in this regard. Such sanctions shall include financial sanctions as well as temporary or permanent suspension of the license.

National Authority for Press (NAP) is an independent authority responsible for administering, supervising and developing press institutions owned by the State. Among its authorities is to appoint chairman and board members of national newspapers and magazines. Once it is formed, NAP will replace the current Supreme Council for Press established under the Press Law No. 96 of 1996.

National Authority for Media (NAM) is an independent authority responsible for administrating, supervising and developing media institutions owned by the State to ensure the provision of broadcasting services and radio, press and TV production. NAM shall consist of (13) members and to be established by virtue of a Presidential decree. Once the NAM is formed, it shall replace the current Radio and Television Union and substitute it in all its rights and obligations.

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