Egypt – New Law Regulating Advertisement in Public Roads
A new law is issued in Egypt regulating the Advertisements on Public Roads (the “Law”). The Law comes under No. 208 for 2020 and comes into effective as of 2 December 2020.
An advertisement is defined broadly to include any visual product whether written, drawn or made of any material and intended for display or publication with the intention of advertising or sending a promotional or informational massage to road users.
The Law will apply to all advertisers whether individuals, companies or advertising agencies. It will not however apply on the advertisements by public entities state-owned companies.
A new authority with the name of the National Authority for Public Roads Advertisements (“Authority”) will be established to be exclusively responsible for setting out the standards, rules, and regulations governing advertisements and banners on public roads. The Authority will be affiliated to the Cabinet of Ministers.
Licensing Requirements
No advertisement will be allowed to be displayed in the road without obtaining a prior license from the competent municipality authority. The license will be issued within 60 days from the date of applying therefor.
The License will be issued for a period of three years renewable upon the licensee’s request and the approval of the competent authority.
The competent municipality authority has the right to cancel the license for public planning concerns or traffic requirements.
Licensing Fees and Taxes
The competent authority in each municipality will determine the license fee which will not in all cases exceed EGP 10,000 EGP. 20% of collected fees will go for the public treasury.
Exemptions from the license
The following advertisement will be exempted from the requirement to get a license:
- Advertisement put on a property for the sale or rent of the property itself.
- Advertisements made by non- profit organizations for purposes related to its activities.
Advertisements created for public events whether religious, national, cultural or social events.
For more information with respect to this note, please contact Mohamed Riad or Toaa Alaa.