Executive Regulations of VAT Law Released The Minister of Finance issued Ministerial Decree no. 66 of 2017 promulgating the Executive Regulations of the VAT Law no. 67 of 2016.
Riad & Riad is glad to be representing one of the few developers who succeeded to achieve financial closure in Round 1 of the Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) project in Benban in Upper Egypt.
The Prime Minister issued Decree no. 215 of 2017 amending the executive regulations of Law no. 14 of 2012 on the Development of Sinai Peninsula. Sinai Peninsula under this law refers to the Governorates of North Sin...
The Minister of Investment issued Decree no. 16 of 2017 to add a new annex (Annex A) to the Egyptian Accounting Standard no. (13) concerning "The Effects of Changes in the Prices of Foreign Currencies".
Having an effective and enforceable legal structure for the pharmaceutical sector is an essential element in achieving the country's goals of accessibility, quality, and rational use of medicine. This report aims to...
The Minister of Transportation issued Decree no. 722 of 2016 regarding the Rules of Transportation of Goods by Egyptian Railways has been published in the Official Gazette on 15 February 2017.
A long waited law is issued on the 7th of March 2017 to amend the Importers Register Law no. 121 of 1982. The amendment aims at reorganizing the importation business in Egypt, establishing a competitive and transpar...
The Feed-in-Tariff Unit at the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) announced today to the developers in Round 1 and Round 2 of the FiT Program the estimated increase in the cost of the interconnection w...
The Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) has finally announced the developers who succeeded to achieve financial closure under Round 1 of the feed-in tariff program in Benban, in Upper Egypt. The develop...
In a roundtable organized by the British Egyptian Business Association, our partner, Dr. Fatma Salah, spoke about the regulatory challenges facing the manufacturing sector in Egypt.
In the Roundtable organised by the British Egyptian Business Association (BEBA), under the name “Opportunities in the New Industrial Zones”, our Partner Dr. Fatma Salah discussed the regulatory challenges facing the...
The Feed-in-Tariff Unit at the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) invited qualified developers of PV and wind projects yesterday, 20 February 2017, to discuss and coordinate for Round II of the FiT pro...
أصدر مجلس الشعب بتاريخ بتاريخ 5 فبراير 2016 القانون رقم 6 لسنة 2017 بشأن تعديل مواد القانون رقم 7 لسنة 2000 والصادر بإنشاء لجان التوفيق في المنازعات التي تكون الوزارات والأشخاص الاعتبارية العامة طرفًا فيها.
Article (126) of the Central Bank and Banking Sectors Law no. 88/2003 (Banking Law) was amended to impose harsher penalties for violations of the requirement to deal in EGP locally.
In response to price increases resulted from free floating the Egyptian currency last November, the Minister of Finance issued Decree No. 426 of 2016 to amend the Executive Regulation of the Tenders and Bids Law.
The first law issued by the Parliament in 2017 is a long-waited one establishing a central regulatory authority to be responsible for food safety, it is the National Food Safety Authority (NFSA).
On 5 January 2017, the Prime Minister issued decree no. 42 of 2017 determining the technical and financial requirements that must be met by a qualified investor to receive free industrial lands in Upper Egypt.
On December 14, 2016, the Minister of Transportation issued Decree No. 800 of 2016 regulating maritime transportation-related works and the applicable fees. Such Decree replaces Decrees No. 180, 73, 332, 520 and 521...
The Egyptian government is working on a draft new investment law. The draft law is said to aim to bolster investor confidence, eliminate bureaucracy, ease the licensing procedures and attract foreign investment.
On December 24, 2016, Law No. 92 of 2016 was issued for the Institutional Regulation of Press and Media. The Law cancels the Radio and Television Union Law No. 13 of 1979 and chapter four of the Press Law No. 96 of...